
FEB 14th LOVE OF AG – Speaker Announcement

BC Grains 3rd Annual ” LOVE OF AG” Winter Seminar is fast approaching,  February 14th 9am -4pm @ the Tower Lake Hall

Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to get the ” 2023 BC Grain Field Research book” hot off the presses!! The producers who’s projects are featured in the book will Read More »

SOIL pH Webinar- Feb 6th

Join the BC Grain Producers Association in partnership with the Peace Region Living Lab project as we host Agronomist Norm Dueck. Norm is going to speak on the pH Causes and corrective actions. Low pH soils have been a topic of conversation on a lot of field visits and farm Read More »

Living Lab 2024 Below Ground Soil Health Seminar

Below Ground-2024 poster

Events from February 22, 2024 – August 8 – Peace Region Living Lab (




OPEN HOUSE DEC 14th Dawson Creek Research Building

New program opportunities through Investment Agriculture Foundation!

New program opportunities through Investment Agriculture Foundation!

The Extreme Weather Preparedness for Agriculture (EWP) Program invites farm and ranch businesses to apply for a new provincial cost-share funding opportunity that aims to increase farm-level climate resilience to extreme weather events.

Funding for the first intake is available under three streams:

Wildfire Preparedness Read More »

BC On-Farm Technology Adoption Program

BC On-Farm Technology Adoption Program

BC On-Farm Technology Adoption Program | Innovate BC

If your farm is looking to invest in new technology this program may be of interest to you. Application window  Nov 27th – December 22, 2023 or until finds are fully allocated. Click above link for program Read More »

Peace Regional Extension Workshop Invitation- NOV 23rd

Who? The BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food is hosting a Regional Extension Workshop for the Peace Region! All agricultural producers, researchers, and academics from the BC Peace Region are invited
Where/When? The Workshop will take place at the Farmington Community Hall on November 23rd, 2023 from 10:00am-4:00pm MST (lunch will Read More »

Important Information on Bill C234!!

Vote for Bill C-234 – Ag Carbon Alliance

The Federal government is at a critical point in the passing of Bill C-234 in the Senate. In the Agriculture and Forestry Committee meeting, and amendment was passed by a vote of 7-6 which will exempt the heating and cooling of barns, Read More »

2023 Agriculture Days at the BC Legislature

October 24, 2023 – BC Grain Producer representatives Ernest & Margret Wiebe, Les & Hannah Willms and Jennifer Critcher joined 60 farmers, ranchers and industry Read More »