Category: General 2019 Annual General Meeting - Crop Tour

2019 Annual General Meeting - Crop Tour

July 25, 2019

A full afternoon /evening is planned for the Grain Producers of the Peace Region.

First the AGM 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM takes place at the FSJ Campus of the Northern Lights College  Rm 154

Learn what the BCGPA has been up to this past year and where it is heading in the future.

Crop Tour - 4:30 PM - 8:30 PM Reconvene at the North Peace Research Farm - 9954 Cecil Lake Rd. 

Enjoy another great Bar-b-q dinner by ON FIRE BBQ.   - RSVP -  or ph. 250-785-5774

Follow that up with the Crop Tour & Guest Speakers stationed throughout the farm.

Speakers include:  Derek Flad (Nor Quin),  Cam Dahl & Brenna Mahoney (Cereals Canada),  Keithe Uloth (Pest Management) and others....

Wrap up 8:00 PM with desert.




North Peace Research Farm

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