BC Beef Packing Plant

Building a federally inspecting beef packing plant in BC

Over a number of years, the idea for a federally inspected beef packing plant that could take advantage of consumer demand for BC Beef has been carefully researched and explored. In spring 2018, the BC Government announced funding to support further development of a plan to explore a federally inspected beef packing plant project in BC.

A steering committee made up of BC ranchers and industry experts was formed to review further. Producer and stakeholder engagement, including BC grain growers, are crucial to the development of this opportunity and a series of engagement sessions around the province has been ongoing over the past few months

Based on feedback, the packing plant committee and project team are looking at ways to create partnerships and investments that provide the opportunity for all stages of the supply chain to be involved. From cow/calf operators and dairy producers, grain growers, backgrounders and feedlot operators, all can participate.

One of the questions that comes up about this opportunity  is ‘how will this be different from other packing plants?’ the key difference is a fully integrated supply chain. This approach unifies the industry in a production chain in the way it hasn’t done before—everyone will have a stake in its success.

Industry has an opportunity to participate in this process and shape a plan that addresses their needs. This is an opportunity to better align the supply chain to meet the needs of BC consumers and customers to improve the long-term profitability and sustainability of the cattle industry in BC.

We invite you to visit the BC Beef Packing Plant website for more information and to sign up for regular updates: www.bcbeefpackingplant.ca