On July 15, 2021 our Annual General Meeting was held at the BCGPA research building in Dawson Creek. Thank you to those who attended we value the feedback from our membership as it helps us serve you better. Walter Fristche long time director with the BCGPA has moved on to a new chapter we thank him for his years of service to our organization. Malcolm Odermatt, Ed Hadland, Jennifer Critcher, Ernest Wiebe, Robert Vander-linden and Ty Cusack all agreed to let their names stand and positions will be decided later. The board is still short two board members and would really like to see a producer from the South Peace Join our board. If you are interested in joining the BCGPA board, please give Jennifer Critcher a call @ 250-219-3284.
Our organization has been through many changes in the last year with the closure of our small plot research program we are thrilled to begin building our large-scale field plot research program. Our goal with this new program is to collaborate with our membership to collect meaningful on farm research and share that information out effectively. We have hired Krystin Brody as a crop technologist to spear head this program, her knowledge of the BC Peace Region and background in Ag Retail will be a tremendous assist in getting this program started. We are looking to connect with farmers who have their own on farm plots this year and would be interested in us helping them collect and publish data this fall. Part of Krystin’s roles with also be in season field support if you would like her to come out and help solve any agronomy issues, please give her a call @ 250-219-3295
Our long time research assistant Sarah Prebushski has returned from mat leave and true to Sarah’s commitment to this organization she has changed roles and as of the end of June will be taking on the office management for the organization.
If you have any questions about the AGM and would like a copy of AGM minutes please e-mail admin@bcgrain.com or phone 250-785-5774 we look forward to hearing from you.