Producer Led Research

Research Mandate

To secure funding and support for research that is specifically relevant to the Peace River area grains and oilseed industry for the purpose of improving profitability and long-term viability.


The BC Grain Producers Association is involved in many types of projects to benefit its members and to improve the long-term viability and sustainability of the grains and oilseed industry in the BC Peace River Region.

If there is an idea that a member would like to see turned into a project, please contact the office to discuss it further.

This project was shared with us by Summit Acre Farms on   Pulse Processing in the North Peace.

LH Willms – Les and Hanna Willms Cover Cropping in Rose Prairie Factsheet 1 Willms Cover Cropping 6pg

2023- Field Scale Research book

2023- BC Grain Field Research

2022 Field Scale Research Book

Final 2022 Field Research book


Call for Canola Fields

Project Management

An eight-member Board of Directors governs the BC Grain Producers Association. It appoints members and advisors to a research committee, which oversees and guides any research objectives approved by the association. We are currently in search of new directors. If you are a grain farmer and interested in being on our board, please get in touch with our office. The committee deals with research matters only and reports to the board as needed throughout the year, including informing the board of any relevant ideas for possible future research objectives. This committee gives directions to the business and research managers, who are responsible for the everyday concerns of the research objectives.

If you are interested in sitting on the research committee or have an idea of agricultural research you feel would be relevant to the BC Peace, please get in touch with the office in Fort St John.