Sustainable Ag Strategy Release

On June 21, 2023, the BC Government published to their website, the final recommendations report for the Sustainable Agriculture Strategy and Strategic Framework. Director Hannah Willms has been involved with this advisory process with the BC Agriculture Council since December 2022. Hannah was representing Field Crops from the North and sat on a committee of 12 producer/farmers from across the province with direct input to the Minister of Agriculture. If you would like to check out the website, follow the link Regenerative agriculture and agritech: Supporting sustainable agriculture – Province of British Columbia ( Thank you, Hannah Willms for being involved in this opportunity to give direct input to BC Minsity of Agriculture and for being the voice for  Grain & Oilseed producers in our province, and we would love to see more producer involvement in the future of Agriculture in BC. If you are interested in learning more about the advocacy work that is being done by the BCGPA please phone (250) 785-5774 or email