Message to Grain and Oilseed Producer’s from Business Risk Management Branch

Message to Grain and Oilseed Producer’s from Business Risk Management Branch


Reminder to submit Declarations of Production into Business Risk Management branch office to initiate final yield calculations or bin measuring to take place where needed.

Due to drought conditions across the province high volumes are beginning to occur in our claim’s environment as all programs – Tree fruits, grapes, forage, grain & AgriStability etc. all tend to have final calculations completed this time of year and are being put through finance at the same time. This can impact turnaround timelines.

If you have any further questions please reach out to your local office

Dawson Creek: 1-877-772-2200

Fort St. John: 1-888-822-1345


Glen Mielke

Crop Risk Specialist
Business Risk Management Branch
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Dawson Creek, BC
Phone: 250.784-2236