October 25 Ministry of Agriculture Update


Apply now for the Young Agrarians Business Mentorship Program

  • The program will pair new farmers with some of the veterans of small scale agriculture to cultivate the skills for running ecologically sustainable and financially viable businesses. Mentors will work to help them analyze their operations and chart a course to move forward towards financial sustainability. Successful applicants will be eligible to receive 30-40 hours of one-on-one mentorship over the winter months with experienced producers.
  • Program Website: https://youngagrarians.org/tools/business/
  • DEADLINE: Sunday, November 3, 2019.

Farm Management Canada is launching a National Farm Leadership Program

  • Producers are taken through a 360 review of their leadership effectiveness as rated by peers, colleagues, superiors, employees and compared to the international database for their qualities and characteristics. Then they will work on a personal development plan to improve reactive tendencies. Program will run January 27th to April 10th, 2020, with 12 weeks of online learning, 3 days in person residency and a year of coaching thereafter.
  • Program Website: http://leader-shift.ca/national-farm-leadership-program/ or email FarmLeadership@fmc-gac.ca to apply.

BC Cattlemen’s Association Annual Cattle Loss Survey is now available

  • BC Cattle Producers can report their estimated losses due to predators, wildlife, wildfires, drought, pests, and floods. Survey results are used to seek support and assistance for programs.
  • Complete the Survey Online: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/65ZKH77

Have your say on Beef Sustainability, its Benefits and Challenges and more!



If there is a webinar of interest to your farming operation that you are interested in attending, but do not have a sufficient internet connection of computer to participate contact Aaron Mackay (Aaron.Mackay@gov.bc.ca or 250-787-3214) and he will attempt to arrange a group viewing opportunity at a Ministry of Agriculture office in Dawson Creek or Fort St. John.



Webinar – Does Your Feed Pass the Test? Making Sense of Feed Test Results

  • October 30th 6:00 pm
  • This webinar is presented by the Beef Cattle Research Council. Speakers are Karin Schmid of Alberta Beef Producers and Megan Van Schaik of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
  • This webinar will discuss how to interpret a feed analysis report and how to collect and prepare samples to be sent away to a lab for testing.
  • Register for the webinar by clicking here to go to the event website. A recording should be available on the Beef Cattle Research Council’s webpage after the webinar.

Webinar – Livestock Nutrition

  • November 5th (Time TBD)
  • This webinar is being organized by the Peace Country Beef and Forage Association and will aim to answer questions about feed quality and formulating a winter ration for your animals. The presenter will be Barry Yaremcio, the Beef and Forage Specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry.
  • Register for the webinar by clicking here to go to the event website. A recording will be circulated to anyone who registers for those who are not able to attend the webinar live.

Webinar – How to Engage in Consultation

  • November 13th 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
  • The BC Oil and Gas Commission is providing this free webinar to discuss how the notification and consultation process applies to landowners, what to do if you have concerns about proposed oil and gas activities, and how the Oil and Gas Commission responds to landowner’s documented concerns.

Economic Advantages of Cow-Calf Nutrition Workshop

  • November 15th 9:00 am to 12:30 pm at Rafter G Land and Cattle Company (Upper Cache).
  • This event is being organized by Farm Credit Canada and presented by Jeremy Plesman of Valley Nutrition.
  • The event will cover topics such as: the impact of basic mineral requirements on calving and conception time, how animal health is linked to better offspring, weight gain, and feed conversion, and the importance of both minerals and nutrients to cow metabolism and health.
  • Lunch is provided and there is no cost to attend; however, registration is required.
  • Please click here to visit the event page and register.

Webinar – Agriculture Environmental Management Code of Practice for Cattle Operations

  • November 5th 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
  • This event is being organized by the BC Cattlemen’s Association with Guest Host Geoff Hughes-Games (BC Ag Council)
  • Looks to provide an introduction to the new regulation

 Canadian Forage Seed Conference

  • February 25th and 26th in Edmonton, AB.
  • This conference is being organized by the Peace Region Forage Seed Association. A draft agenda has been posted to the event webpage.
  • Visit the event webpage to learn more: http://peaceforageseed.ca/fsconference/



Production Insurance

  • Forage renewal packages will be mailed out next week.  A reminder that the forage production insurance application deadline for the 2020 crop year is November 30, 2019.  This insurance covers establishment 2 (winter kill) and forage quantity.
  • We have been receiving numerous Notice of Losses (NOL’s) due to the wet conditions.  This is a reminder that clients need to submit a Notice of Loss PRIOR to harvest if they have suffered an insurable peril. This will enable time for staff and adjusters to properly access the loss and ensure timely settlement.
  • Western Livestock Price Insurance Program (WLPIP) premium and settlement e-mails are being sent out if you have subscribed for them.  If you are not signed up and would like to be give us a call and we can get you set up!  Be sure to pay attention to the settlement values as you can complete a partial or full claim up to 3 weeks prior to your policy expiry date.
  • Producers should have received their declaration of production (DOP) for their forage and grain. Please fill out this information once you have completed harvest and get back to the office.  You can e-mail, fax, drop off or mail in that information.

Province seeking feedback on growing farming, protecting farmland

British Columbians are encouraged to share their insights and opinions on how to best address the following challenges:

  • Supporting farmers and ranchers in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) to expand and diversify their businesses;
  • Helping new or young farmers become established on the land and in business; and
  • Ensuring there is flexibility for residential options, while prioritizing agriculture in the ALR.

Submit online feedback here.

Agricultural Environmental Management Code of Practice

  • On February 28, 2019, the Code of Practice for Agricultural Environmental Management replaced the Agricultural Waste Control Regulation (AWCR). BC Agriculture Council (BCAC) has partnered with the Province of BC to assist communicating the key changes related to AEMCoP.
  • There are new tools already developed to support implementation with more to come. At this time, check out BCAC AEMCoP Website for commodity specific information for Peace Region Field Crops and Cattle Operations to find out how they apply to your operation.
  • Note that operations applying fertilizer in the Peace Region should now be considering post harvest soil testing.
  • Questions can be directed to AEMCoPenquiries@gov.bc.ca or contact Lori and Aaron and we will do our best to assist you.



The On-Farm Food Safety Program provides funding to eligible B.C. farm-based businesses (i.e. growers, packers and ranchers) to address existing food safety issues, increase implementation of food safety practices and to meet national and international food safety requirements.

  • See the program’s website for more information by clicking here.

The Buy BC Partnership Program provides cost-shared funding and a recognizable Buy BC logo to help B.C.’s agrifood and seafood sector market their products and increase sales within B.C.

The Livestock Tag Reader Rebate Program provides a rebate to livestock operators who purchase and install approved tag readers.

  • For more information visit the program’s website by clicking here.

Environmental Farm Plan

Farmers who have an Environmental Farm Plan are serious about learning how to reduce agriculture’s impact on the environment. Producers with an approved Environmental Farm Plan are eligible to apply for cost-shared funding to improve their farm. Many Environmental Farm Plan participants enjoy increased efficiency, profitability and new customers as a result of increased environmental sustainability. What opportunities exist on your farm?

  • Call 1-866-522-3447 to book your confidential appointment or find our more information here.


Ministry of Agriculture Staff
Fort St. John Office – 10043 100th St.
Lori Vickers Regional Agrologist Lori.Vickers@gov.bc.ca

Office: 250-787-3241

Mobile: 250-219-2715

Aaron Mackay Resource Development Agrologist Aaron.Mackay@gov.bc.ca

Office: 250-787-3214

Mobile: 250-224-6053

Garry Pringle

Andrew Pillar

Janine Rubin

Alecia Sutherland

Production Insurance Program Representatives and Support Staff ProductionInsurance.FortStJohn@gov.bc.ca

Office: 250-787-3240

Dawson Creek Office – 1224 103 Ave
Glen Mielke Production Insurance Program

Crop Risk Specialist


Office: 250-784-2236

Tyler Morhart Manager, Agriculture Wildlife Program Tyler.Morhart@gov.bc.ca

Office: 250-784-2236

Glenn MacLean

Ellen Nielsen

Production Insurance Program Representative and Support Staff ProductionInsurance.DawsonCreek@gov.bc.ca

Office: 250-784-2236


Got an agriculture related event you want others to know about?  Let us know!


Aaron Mackay, B.Sc. P.Ag.   

Resource Development Agrologist |BC Ministry of Agriculture

10043 – 100th Street | Fort St John, BC V1J 3Y5

Phone: 250-787-3214 | Cell: 250-224-6053 | Aaron.Mackay@gov.bc.ca
