We are looking for your input! Do you have an innovative idea for a practice that might improve soil health and biodiversity? Would you like to see it tested at the farm level with researchers to help evaluate it? 

The BC Grain Producers is part of an application to have a Living Lab in the Peace Region. A Living Lab is designed to test out ideas on a farm scale and bring together producers, scientists and groups in the ag community. If you have an idea for something you’d like to see tried out in the Peace, let us know! 

This Living Lab project is funded by Ag Canada and will focus on enhancing agroecosystem services in the Peace Region, contributing to Canada’s goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey, any input helps us with planning

Peace Living Lab: Producer Input (google.com)

If you have an idea or would like more information please Call: (250)785-5774 or e-mail admin@bcgrain.com